Friday, May 29, 2009

What is happiness?

Happiness can be described as a feeling of joy when one is enjoying himself or generally, when one is doing something he or she likes to do.
But what really is happiness and how do we attain it? Most people have the misconception that once one who has the most material things is the happiest person, and they too, work hard to get whatever things they think can make them happy. Let us find out then, how long this short-term happiness can last them. Perhaps it can only satisfy them, or make them happy at the point at which they buy that item, or until it is out of fashion, or at the most the minute it has lost its use, the person loses interest and is at it again, searching for the next thing, and the cycle can only keep continuing, over and over again.
True happiness is, to me, is when a person realises and can know that he has many good friends and family around him or her, and is sure that in times of trouble or need, there is somone out there who can stand with that person and they can face whatever setback together. Such things cannot be worked for, or bought. And even though this person has very little in terms of possessions, but has all that was stated above, this person is the richest and happiest person in the world. On the contrary, one who has status, money, and land, but deep inside him or her, the person is lonely with no friends or family, and enters their empty mansion everyday after work with no one and nothing to talk about except for how to make money, on this project and that proposal, how then, can this person be happy, even with himself for that matter?
What do I suggest then? Care not so much as to who has what thing, constantly comparing material goods with one another, rather, focus on building up good relations with those who are unfamilliar to you, and strengthen the bonds with those who are already friends with you, and maybe one day they will come to aid you wjen you most needit, and you could be the one to return that favour...

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